8104 Glycol Free Air Dry Ink

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8104 Glycol Free Ink

8104 Ink

DieMark 8104 is a premium, low viscosity, glycol ether free ink that delivers large thin dots and maintains excellent geometry on dense IC circuitry. DieMark 8104 exhibits controlled wetting (spreading) on many different wafer passivations, with a dot range of 11-86 mil (see chart below).*

DieMark 8104 glycol ether free ink hard cures under ambient conditions in the least time of any of the inks offered by Xandex. Ink dots air dry** to a hard cure at a rate of approximately 1 minute per 1 mil of dot size, and maintain excellent adhesion. DieMark 8104 is thermally stable and can be used in hot chuck and oven dry applications without cracking or loss of adhesion. DieMark 8104 contains less than 20ppm of Sodium and Chloride and is 100% certified.

8104 Features and Benefits

  • Fast air dry time (1 minute per 1 mil of dot size, or faster)
  • Glycol ether free
  • Less than 20ppm Sodium and Chloride - 100% certified
  • Four month shelf life
  • Consistent dot shape and size
  • Excellent adhesion
  • Thermally stable for inking with hot chuck
  • Large dots with rapid air drying at ambient temperatures
  • Available in DM-2 & DM 2.3: A5, A6 and A8

*All ink dot characterization testing performed at ambient temperature of 70° degrees F, relative humidity of 50% using polished, unetched silicon wafers (no passivation). Dot production figures are averages and are intended as guidelines. Values are subject to change and are not guaranteed.
**A room temperature cure will give good results for the vast majority of applications. In applications where the ink will be subjected to very harsh process conditions or if the ink is not giving acceptable adhesion results, a cure of 150 degrees C for 30 minutes is recommended.

Average Dot Sizes

Average Dot Size by CartridgeType and Inker Model

Average dot sizes for each cartridge type with pneumatic controller Dot Size setting at Minimum, Middle and Maximum.

Note: The A4 Ink Cartridge type is not available in 8104 ink.

Cartridge Type X1000, X901 Series Inkers
X5000 Series Inkers
(DM 2.3)
A5 MIN 26 mil MIN 24 mil
MID 49 mil MID 44 mil
MAX 54 mil MAX 50 mil
A6 MIN 33 mil MIN 27 mil
MID 56 mil MID 50 mil
MAX 65 mil MAX 56 mil
A8 MIN 51 mil MIN 54 mil
MID 80 mil MID 85 mil
MAX 90 mil MAX 93 mil